Take the Pledge.

Colorintech is an organisation set up with the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion within the UK’s technology industry. With a particular focus on race and equality, we aim to encourage and support firms and wider stakeholders as the drivers of change towards a more diverse tech community. We encourage you to commit to our pledge and support us in our journey to increase diversity and representation of BME and other excluded communities within the industry.

By signing the pledge, you are committing to taking each of the following actions;

  • implement and publish company-specific goals to recruit, retain, and advance diverse talent, and take concrete measures to create and sustain an inclusive culture;

  • annually publish data and progress metrics on the diversity of your workforce across functional areas and seniority levels.

  • put forward speakers from underrepresented groups to represent your organisation, including at senior levels and across disciplines

  • invest in partnerships to build a diverse pipeline of technology talent to increase our ability to recognise, develop and support talent from all backgrounds.

  • invest in diversity and sexual harassment training; and establish hr policies and best practices to combat these behaviours